The Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine

The Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) is a global multi-disciplinary professional organization dedicated to saving lives and eliminating road traffic injuries through scientific research, authoritative educational programs, and public policy recommendations.


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INROADS is a blog style eNewsletter to share AAAM & AIS updates as well as research, association-related data and member stories for reader review and response.

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Announcing AIS 2015 Now Available

The latest update to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) is now available. Order your dictionary today, find the latest course, or view the major changes made in this latest release.

AIS overview

people were injured in motor vehicle crashes


people were injured in motor vehicle crashes

Estimated deaths as a result of road traffic crashes


Estimated deaths as a result of road traffic crashes


World population that has adequate road safety laws


World population that has adequate road safety laws


World population that has passenger car safety legislation in five core areas


World population that has passenger care safety legislation in five core areas