AAAM Awards
The following awards are presented each year at the Annual Scientific Conference, honoring the many achievements and service in the automotive medicine field.
Award of Merit
Given to an outstanding individual who has made significant scientific contributions to an aspect of automotive medicine over many years or for a single outstanding contribution. The Nominations and Awards Committee evaluates and recommends candidates to the Board.
2024 Winner: Rini Sherony, MS
A.J. Mirkin Service Award
Given to an AAAM member who had made continuous service contributions through committee, faculty, and project involvement. The Nominations and Awards Committee evaluates and recommends candidates to the Board.
2024 Winner: R. Shayn Martin, MD
Donald F. Huelke Lifetime Membership Award
The Huelke Award is to recognize, honor and acknowledge an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the AAAM organization, provided repeated volunteer services to the AAAM organization, and maintained membership for a total of 15 years. Additionally, the awardee must have met at least three of the following criteria: served on at least one AAAM committee, served as a member of the AAAM Board of Directors, organized AAAM seminars or symposia (or served as faculty), contributed to the AAAM endowment fund, or received another AAAM award.
2024 Winner: Maria Segui-Gomez, MD, MPH
Elaine Wodzin Young Achiever Award
Named for Elaine Wodzin, a long-serving executive director of AAAM, who had the innate ability to recognize the future of the organization through the efforts of young professionals. The award is given to a younger (<45 years) member of AAAM for a singular specific achievement in automotive medicine or other contributions to the field of traffic injury control. The achievement could be (but not limited to) the publication of a seminal research work, practical implementation of an injury control concept, or promotion of an element of public injury control policy.
2024 Winner: David Kidd, PhD
Jan Price Excellence in AIS Teaching Award
Established in 2022, The Jan Price Excellence in AIS Teaching Award is named for Janet Price, who has been involved in AAAM for more than twenty years and has helped advance the AIS course and certification program worldwide. Past and present AIS faculty are eligible for this award. Recipients will be awarded $250.
2024 Award Winner: Kathy Jo Cookman, BS, CSTR, CAISS, EMT-P, FMNP

Nominations for the 2024 AAAM Awards program have been closed. Thank you to all those who have nominated their road safety peers. The nominations for the 2025 AAAM Awards program will open early next year.