What AAAM Membership is all about
At AAAM you’ll find a community of multidisciplinary professionals dedicated to road traffic injury prevention. Whether you are a student focused on automotive engineering, trauma medicine, or research on road traffic safety AAAM will provide an avenue for networking and connecting with key leaders, researchers, and professionals involved in your field of study.
AAAM gives many a voice and influence on key policy issues effecting road traffic safety as well as an avenue for getting published, presenting papers and networking for career and knowledge advancement.
AAAM offers a reduced membership fee ($35 USD/year) to individuals from low- and middle-income countries.
Click here for membership application.
Membership Advantage
- Online Access to AAP & TIP Publications
- Annual Conference Discount
- AIS Publications Discount
- INROADS Newsletter Special Content
- AAAM Research
- Mentoring
- Proceedings
Get involved. Make an impact.
Member Types & Qualifications
Full Member
In order to be qualified as a full member of the Association, applicants must meet the membership criteria. Individuals who do not currently meet all of the criteria may become Associate Members. Such individuals, who subsequently meet the criteria through additional academic qualifications, work experience and/or contributions to traffic safety and injury prevention, may apply to have their membership status upgraded. Fee for Membership is $310.
Associate Member
Any individual whose interests and activities correspond with the purposes of the Association but who has not demonstrated contributions to scientific or educational advancements in the field of automotive medicine shall be recognized as an association member. An associate member shall be entitled to restricted rights and privileges of the Association, within the guidelines established by the Board of Directors for this category. Fee for Associate Membership is $310.
Student Member
Any professional or practitioner in traffic safety and injury control in training, in study or research areas paralleling the purposes of this organization or who is actively pursuing a professional degree in an accredited institution recognized by the Membership and Credentials Committee may apply for student membership. Student member status shall automatically terminate upon completion or termination of enrollment in such a training program whereupon the student member may apply for membership in the appropriate category. Fee for Student Membership is $35 and does not include access to publications.
A Fellow of the Association is a special category of membership bestowed upon those individuals who have demonstrated sustained contributions to the Association and to the field of automotive medicine through academic achievements or service contributions. Fellow status is granted by the Board of Directors upon nomination by the Fellow Review Committee in accordance with the Committee’s policies and procedures.
Sustaining Member
A corporation, company, foundation, or other professional or business group, having a legitimate and concerned interest in traffic medicine and vehicular and road safety acceptable to the Membership and Credentials Committee, and wishing to support the activities of the Association may become a Sustaining member paying annual dues as determined by the Association. Each sustaining member shall designate one person who must qualify as a member to act as a representative with all rights and privileges of the Association. Fee for Sustaining Membership is $2,500.
Emeritus membership may be granted by the Board of Directors upon nomination by the Membership and Credentials Committee in accordance with the Association’s policies and procedures governing this membership category. Emeritus members shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association, but shall not be required to pay annual dues. Emeritus members may elect to receive mailings and publications at a charge to reflect the cost of publication and mailing.
Honorary membership may be granted to individuals who have distinguished themselves by outstanding achievements and contributions to the field of traffic medicine and vehicular and road safety, who have shown dedication to the purposes for which this Association exists and who, through efforts and contributions, would enhance the aims and objectives of this Association. Candidates for this honor shall be specifically recommended by the Membership and Credentials Committee and proposed by the Board of Directors to the membership for election at an annual meeting of the Association. Honorary members may not vote or hold office in the Association, but are entitled to all other privileges of the organization. Honorary members shall not be required to pay annual dues. Honorary members may elect to receive mailings and publications at a charge to reflect the cost of publication and mailing.
AAAM offers reduced membership fee to individuals from low- and middle-income countries
Our association welcomes all! The Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine offers regular membership to individuals from low- and middle-income countries at a reduced rate of $35.00 USD. To qualify as a regular member of the Association, applicants must meet the membership criteria.
To view a list of low- and middle-income countries, please visit the World Bank website.
Please contact AAAM directly at info@aaam.org or 847-844-3880 for more details about low and middle-income memberships.
Be a part of saving lives and eliminating road traffic injuries worldwide.