Q: A patient with clinical diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury (DAI) recorded by the neurosurgeon and a radiologic finding described as “petechial hemorrhages in the basal ganglia and corpus callosum consistent with DAI” who remains comatose until he dies 15 hours after injury should be assigned which AIS code?

A: The correct code is 140627.5. This question highlights the rule box on page 45 of the AIS dictionary, which directs the coder to “code only the more severe” when both corpus callosum and basal ganglia are noted. An important additional point to note is the directive If coma exceeds 24 hours, use 161011.5, no

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Q: The patient is an unrestrained passenger admimtted following a high speed MVC. He has been unconscious without sedation of paralytic medications since admission 48 hours ago. His CT demonstrates petechial hemorrhages in the area of the corpus callosum and basal ganglia. The neurosurgeon diagnoses diffuse axonal injury (DAI). What is the correct AIS code?

A: In AIS 98 the correct code is 140628.5In AIS 2005, there are two areas in which DAI may be coded. The correct code in AIS 2005 is 140627.5 Cerebrum, DAI involving corpus callosum. If the CT had noted only hemorrhages in the basal ganglia, or more broadly, petechial hemorrhages in the cerebrum, the correct

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