If you believe you have an account, but can’t log in, please contact us. New to AAAM and want to join? Start the process by Creating Your Account below.
- Login using your member username and password (note: there is a “forgot username/password” option below should you need it to retrieve your information) or contact us.
- Once you are logged in to your AAAM Account Portal, select the menu option “AAAM Pay Membership Invoice”.
- Review the checked box to confirm your existing membership selection.
- Click “Add to Shopping Cart”. Continue to Checkout.
- Complete payment information and submit. An automated confirmation will be sent to your email address that is associated with this account.
Should you have any questions about this process or require any additional information, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for renewing your membership.
If you haven’t received an email from AAAM in a few minutes, please check your spam or junk folders.