How long have you been using AIS?
I have been using AIS since 2017 when I began my journey as a Trauma Registrar. CAISS certified for five years.
What inspired you to obtain CAISS credentials?
As a trauma registry professional, I wanted to showcase my knowledge, skills, and expertise in my field.
What are your main areas of interest in the field of injury scoring?
The calculation of the Injury Severity Score (ISS) which is one of the most widely used scoring systems in Trauma Literature. To calculate ISS, we take the highest AIS severity code in each of the three most severely injured ISS body regions. It’s fascinating how this score correlates with mortality, morbidity, and hospitalization time after trauma.
What do you find most rewarding about working in this field?
The trauma registry profession is essential in maintaining a trauma center. Our efforts and commitment to high-quality data are the backbone of our successful trauma center’s verification/re-verification. Our data drives patient care. I am honored to be a part of an amazing Trauma Program.
What do you hope to accomplish while on the AIS Certification Board?
I would like to use my expertise and skills as a board member to collaborate with colleagues and leaders across the nation while also expanding my knowledge and skillset.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
Recently won tickets from a radio station to see Foreigner’s farewell tour. So much fun! I’ve never won tickets before.
How do you think the field is changing, and what trends do you see coming up on the horizon?
I think there will be more programs developed to support advocacy, education, resources, and best practices within trauma.
What advice would you give to someone interested in CAISS credentials?
Take an AIS course through AAAM, as this is the best way to be successful in obtaining your credential.
What’s one thing – either field-related or not – you learned in the last month?
Stay true to yourself. Do what makes you happy.
Is there anything else you would like to share with your colleagues?
I am proud to be part of a team and facility dedicated to improving patient care. Seeing our data in action is such a joy!