Motao Zhu is an epidemiologist with 16 years of experience in travel behaviors, traffic safety, and policy evaluation.

He joined AAAM because of its “mission statement of eliminating road traffic injuries matched well with my research interests. AAAM is a global and multi-disciplinary professional organization, giving me the platform and resources to network with researchers from around the world focusing on the same goal of saving lives and eliminating road traffic injuries. I have been a member for 2 years.”

What impressed him most about AAAM was, “As a member of the Policy Committee, I’ve lead the efforts on an organization position paper regarding cell phones and distracted driving. While I’ve had many great experiences with AAAM thus far, I have been thoroughly impressed by the leadership of our committee chair (Rawson Wood) and the collaborative work by our committee members (Carmine Senatore, Stephanie J Bonin, John Struble, David Fortenbaugh, James Fell, and Jason Forman). Furthermore, none of it could be done without the great support from AAAM (Katie Keel).”

Motao can speak to the benefits of being a member, “AAAM organizes excellent annual conferences and the committees do wonderful work. Being a member of AAAM helped me discover essential tools such as the Abbreviated Injury Scale Conversion tool, which has improved our research.”

Motao is an avid tennis player!