AIS Certification Board | AISC.B

The mission of the AISC.B is to promote consistency in injury scaling by maintaining a certification process which recognizes the competence and skill of an individual Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) coder through assessment, testing, and continuing evaluation of education and experience.

Chair Julia M. Philion, CHIM, CAISS
Vice Chair Amy Brammer, MSN, RN, TCRN, TNS, CEN, CASISS, CSTR, NHDP-BC
Secretary Kelly Harrison, BA, CSTR, CAISS
AIS Business Director/ITC Kathy Cookman, BS, EMT-P, CSTR, CAISS, FMNP
Member Colleen Duero, MS HSA, CAISS, CSTR
Member Stephen Mora, MBA, BSN, RN, TCRN, CSTR, CAISS
Member Kelly Montgomery, CSTR, CAISS
Member Rebeca Abajas-Bustillo, PhD, RN, MS, CAISS
Member Kathryn Loftis, PhD, CAISS
Member* Karen Sturges -Vera, M.A., ICE-CCP
AAAM Board Liaison Francisco Jose Lopez Valdes, PhD, CAISS


*Karen Sturges-Vera, M.A., ICE-CCP, is a representative of the AIS test publishing and managing vendor, and not a voting member of the AISC.B.