AIS Certification Board | AISC.B
The mission of the AISC.B is to promote consistency in injury scaling by maintaining a certification process which recognizes the competence and skill of an individual Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) coder through assessment, testing, and continuing evaluation of education and experience.
Chair | Julia M. Philion, CHIM, CAISS |
Vice Chair | Amy Brammer, MSN, RN, TCRN, TNS, CEN, CASISS, CSTR, NHDP-BC |
Secretary | Kelly Harrison, BA, CSTR, CAISS |
AIS Business Director/ITC | Kathy Cookman, BS, EMT-P, CSTR, CAISS, FMNP |
Member | Colleen Duero, MS HSA, CAISS, CSTR |
Member | Stephen Mora, MBA, BSN, RN, TCRN, CSTR, CAISS |
Member | Kelly Montgomery, CSTR, CAISS |
Member | Rebeca Abajas-Bustillo, PhD, RN, MS, CAISS |
Member | Kathryn Loftis, PhD, CAISS |
Member* | Karen Sturges -Vera, M.A., ICE-CCP |
AAAM Board Liaison | Francisco Jose Lopez Valdes, PhD, CAISS |
*Karen Sturges-Vera, M.A., ICE-CCP, is a representative of the AIS test publishing and managing vendor, and not a voting member of the AISC.B.